English- A Ruler'sLanguage or a window to world?

 As Indian students we are always afraid of English. Right from school, we feel tension of English as the foreign language. Friends, we are always confused about the spellings, tenses and various structures. Actually mentally we feel that it is the ruler's language which is compulsorily thrust upon us. Yes, it's true also. It's the cultural dominance which creates superiority and inferiority complex among us. But now we have accepted it and it is also mingled in our culture like sugar in milk. We can't separate it. Even an illiterate person do know and use many words from English. We are literate, not only literate but college students with certain dreams of career. And we will agree that fluency in English will lead to better career options. Moreover it is the medium to enjoy the world 🌍🌎 literature. And  many of our Indian writers have written classic literature in English.  So let's accept and enjoy English with open minds, then it will be easier for you to learn. Some tips to improve your English at primary level.             1. Learn at least one word everyday.               2. Listen  English programs, audio books 📚   3. Copy at least two sentences in your                    notebook.                                                         4. Translate 2/4 sentences from your                      mother   tongue into English.


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